Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Random Cleveland Adventure Photos

Today was an exceptionally great day weather wise. I set out to downtown to use the ole camera box to capture some life. After that, I set off for a 3 hour Riddeeee! Thank you weather gods for the nice day. I felt alive again today and not stuck in the fucking house.

local art!

Vw Dub Dub

Carnegie Bridge

we call it home!

This was nuts, I was taking pictures of the West Side Market and this lady was pouring herbs in to a jar and I thought it looked cool and as I clicked she's was staring right at me! Creepy!!!


  1. great blog!!
    Greetings from Spain

    1. thank man means a lot, your shits gnarly too! digging it! Finally starting to get warmer here, Get the bike out and strappin the tent on the front Hope to have a lot more posts about the bike and adventrues! take care man!
