Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pinned 2012 "Columbus Run"

Saturday morning woke up bright an early to leave for Pinned, a motorcycle/skateboard/bands kind of event. The wife and I met up with Adam, Arron, and Riggs over by Ashland (71 & 250 area). They right away said fuck the highway lets take the back roads. I'm so glad we did. Ohio514 is one of the gnarliest roads on the way down to Columbus. I Highly suggest it. We were flying in and out of hill top curves. Couple of turns were super hard slowing down from 65/70 to 20mph. A lot of fun. Finally make it down to Columbus and we hit up a Chipotle. I have never smashed a burrito that fast in my whole life. Adam wanted to get a new hanky for his face so we hit up Iron Pony (walmart for bikers). That place was unreal. So many things having to do with everything two wheels.

PS Google maps you need to have a Ghetto route tag on your app! From the Iron Pony it said to take 13 down for a bit and we would reach the street we needed to be on for Pinned. We were in the wrong side of town for sure. Doesn't help that Adam has Lightning bolts on his helmet that kinda look like SS. EEEEEKKK a group of black girls asked if we got our bikes blessed down the street. Made for a good laugh that they were so nice and excited to see dudes on bikes. Then we see a dorky black guy in glasses in his car waiving and smiling like it was the first time he has ever seen a motorcycle in his life! it was really funny. We then got in to some sketchy One Way street situations where Adam had to do a Screetching right hand across two lanes to get to the street we all turned down. (follow the leader next time buddy!) ahahahahh.

We pull up to Pinned and people start flagging us in. No parking anywhere so we just park in front of some more bikes awkwardly as hell. Arron whips out his Fipflops. Who does that? ahahh it made for a good laugh. The temp felt like it was 90 degrees and I was sweating bullets. Headed straight for the beer vendor and grabbed a brew. There were bands playing old Rancid covers and dudes just being dudes. Saw Kerry hanging in the shadows. His bikes fucking gnarly as hell. Hung out for while got some great pictures and we decided to leave cause not moving on the bike was causing sever sweats! We hit 71 and rode for a good while till the gas felt empty. Kathy homed in on the ice cream stand next to the gas station and FlipFlopy Arron said I'm down for some ice cream too! We rolled over and hung out for a bit. Was some damn good ice cream. As we are munching down Kathy starts laughing at all of us "you guys are burned all over your faces and arms. Like super red!!!!" we look at each other like what the fuck are you talking about lol. Her sun glasses enhanced our sunburns to her eyes. Naturally she was right, I did get some shitty sunburn but not nearly as bad as those glasses made it out to be ahahah.

Split off from the guys near the same area and it was just me and the lady. We rode for awhile nothing but the cool breeze hit our faces and then all of a sudden a Monarch butterfly smacks me in the face right above my left part of my lip. It felt like I got punched in the face by a midget! ahahah Unbelievable! We jumped on 83 and headed out to Westlake area for a cook out Nate and Bee were having. That was some good eating thanks to those two. 400 miles later I ended my night sitting on the couch trying not to pass out while watching Spun.

Today woke up late and missed the Poker run I was supposed to do with Adam today. He said he rode another 140 miles today! Livin the life. The wife and I cleaned up the yard and mulched the shit out of the beds. She also asked me to dig up her garden area and make it able to be planted. What a bitch that was. The front and back look immaculate now. Even got some stuff growing that I am looking forward to grubbing on, blueberries, corn, and YAMMMS. Hope our clay soil doesn't ruin their growth.

Overall this weekend was a lot of fun and very exhausting. Can't wait to match that fun with the vaca coming up in a week. Gonna post some of the shots from Saturday now and hit the hay! gnight

Coffee anyone?

What road do we take to get there again?

wish that dodge wasn't in the shot but still one of my favorite shots of the day.

The girl on the top left was really nice, her and her bf rode from Indianapolis. Gnarly tank on her Sportster!

Her bf's bike.

Kerry's bike

Kerry's bike 2


This bike is fucking awesome!

Adam flipping the bird. Think Riggs is asleep.

This us parked at the ice cream shop in the middle of no where Ohio! Ole western feel.

Two shots I took today from the Cell phone that I liked.

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